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Andrzej Domaradzki

Founder and co-owner

Krystyn Bagan


Roksana Błędowska

Recruitment Team Lead


Recruitment Team Lead

Barbara Wieleżew

Recruitment Team Lead

Maciej Sabada

Senior Business Development Manager

Magdalena Bagan

Business Development Partner

Anna Sadowska

Senior IT Recruitment Specialist

Anna Tomczyk

Senior IT Recruitment Specialist

Alicja Bajon

Senior IT Recruitment Specialist

Mairi Yokokura

Junior IT Recruiter

Julia Chorzewska

IT Recruitment Specialist

Monika Jaśkiewicz

Senior IT Recruitment Specialist

Kamila Dmitrzak

IT Recruiter

Magdalena Stępień

Senior IT Recruitment Specialist

Natalia Archacka

Junior IT Recruiter

Dorota Dziubecka

IT Recruitment Partner

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