gtag('config', 'AW-1003690665');
Artificial intelligence is one of the most popular slogans of our time. Technology created in the 1950s is experiencing a real boom today.
Read moreAn extensive ecosystem, simple syntax and universality. In many rankings, Java is recognized as the most popular programming language.
Read moreAdvanced enterprise class systems, ASP.NET MVC technologies, SPA using ASP.NET WebAPI or desktop applications in WPF, multi-platform and scalability using .NET Core and Docker, Azure and microservices, sometimes VB, Sharepoint or Biztalk.
Read moreRobotics, automation, automotive, IOT and other embedded systems, gaming: wherever efficiency and low resource consumption is of vital importance. C++, currently in C++ 17 version and soon in C++ 20, is still developing.
Read moreCreating a fast and responsive website and maintaining its functionality at the highest level is done by Web Developers who program for instance in JavaScript and PHP.
Read moreDo you use such tools as Hadoop, PIG, Hive, Mahout, Spark or others?
Read moreDo you need a network and IT system administrator? Or maybe a Dev-ops or SRE?
Read moreTeal organization or maybe a corporate hierarchy or matrix? Scrum of scrums or waterfall?
Read moreManual or automatic testing, using Selenium WebDriver or Robot Framework, both back-end and front-end, experienced QA Leaders and Test Managers - we work with these on a daily basis.
Read moreIf you need to update your old mobile application or develop it, or maybe even rewrite it, we are able to provide you with specialists who will do it for you.
Read moreConsultants of ALL modules, Frontend (Fiori), Backend (ABAP) and SAP Fullstack Developers, SAP BASIS Administrators, Migration and upgrade specialists.
Read moreTechnologies originally used on computers equipped with punched card readers are still in use and in some cases they are still developed.
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